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4 Reasons Why You Need Life Insurance As a Single Person

As a single person, you may not see the immediate need for life insurance. You might think it’s something you get once you have dependents. However, it’s ideal to start a policy while you’re young for the benefits outlined below.

1. Affordability

Starting a life insurance policy when you’re young and single often results in lower monthly rates than if you were married with children. The rates also increase as you age, so starting a policy as soon as possible is beneficial.

2. Covering Final Costs

In the event of your unexpected passing, there will be final costs for funeral services and expenses. With a life insurance policy, you can cover all that financial burden, allowing your loved ones to mourn without worrying about financial concerns.

3. Settling Outstanding Debts

Another expense to consider is your outstanding debts. In the event of your death, if you have a home, vehicle, or other property you want to pass on to a loved one, they’ll need to be able to pay the balance. These debts aren’t eliminated if you pass away, and the loan companies will come to retrieve that property.

4. Leaving a Final Gift

As a single person, you still have friends and family to whom you may want to leave gifts should something happen to you. In the event of your death, you can leave a financial gift for your parents to help them through the next few years or a significant other you have grown fond of and want to take care of in some way.

If you’re in the Canby, OR area and looking for a personal quote on life insurance, we’re here to help. Contact our team at Oliver Insurance today for more information.

Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Buying a home certainly can be intimidating. For many first-time home buyers, their purchase will be the most expensive purchase ever. Further, not only can buying a home significantly impact your financial health right now, it could have a massive impact later on down the line. For many families, their home is their most valuable investment and may be crucial for funding retirement. If you’re looking for assistance with selecting a home insurance plan in Canby, OR, contact Oliver Insurance. With that said, let’s go over some crucial tips for first-time home buyers.

Tips Every Home Buyer Should Consider

When buying a home, you want to consider your needs not only now but also in the near future. If you’re looking to start a family in a year or two, for example, you may want to pass on that beautiful one-bedroom condo downtown. You should consider more bedrooms, perhaps a yard, and access to good schools.

It’s smart to make sure you don’t stretch yourself too thin with a mortgage payment. A more affordable mortgage payment can provide financial breathing room. Keep in mind as well that your mortgage won’t be the only monthly cost. You may have to pay property taxes and likely will have to take out a home insurance policy. Lenders usually require home insurance because the right insurance coverage protects the collateral (typically the home bought) that the mortgage is backed up by.

When looking at homes, it’s smart to bring in outside experts to inspect them for damage, expensive repairs needed, and other factors. Lenders may also require inspections. Likewise, folks shopping for home insurance should chat with experts. If you need assistance in Canby, OR, contact Oliver Insurance.

Structural Upgrades That Require More Commercial Coverage

Structural upgrades are investments that people or weather-related events could damage. The materials used for an upgrade could also cause injury. Assess the upgrades that will be completed at your place of business. 

Upgrade Considerations

All the upgrades conducted at your place of business may not require more commercial insurance coverage. Durable materials installed indoors may not be as likely to become damaged as ones installed outdoors.

Consider the upgrades that will be completed. Track the cost of materials and the design elements that will be used for each commercial improvement.

Record information that outlines where the upgrades will be done. Use your observations and recordings to help you choose which materials to add to your commercial insurance plan.

Risk Factors

Determine the risk factors that may require more insurance coverage. If steps, an elevated walkway, or another item that people will access daily is installed, people could become injured.

Wet surfaces caused by rain or a spill could increase the likelihood of an accident. Any risk factors that you discover should be considered. 

Commercial liability coverage protects against injuries and damage occurring in a business place. The coverage would protect the land that your business is located on. It would also protect the physical building where you operate your business. 

Commercial Insurance Advice

Consult with one of our Canby, OR insurance agents about the structural upgrades you plan to complete. An agent representing the Oliver Insurance Agency will assess your business’s risks. They will advise you on coverage types that will benefit you as a business owner.

Tips for Navigating a Multi-car Accident

What is a multi-car accident? Simply, it’s an auto accident involving two or more cars. Dangerous driving habits like speeding, road rage, distracted driving, and driving under the influence continue to be primary causes of multi-car accidents. Our team at Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR, offers some tips on navigating a pile-up, should you be involved in one.

What to Do if You’re Involved in a Multi-car Accident

Should you get caught in a pile-up, there are certain steps you need to follow. First, prioritize your safety and, if necessary, seek medical attention. You should also try to move your vehicle off the roadway if possible. Turn on the hazard lights to make other drivers aware of your presence.

Call the authorities immediately, regardless of the damage to your vehicle. A police report can be a valuable provider of evidence when making an insurance claim. You’ll also need a copy of the report for your insurance claim to begin being processed.

After handling the steps above, exchange info with other drivers involved and gather critical evidence at the scene. Suggestions include:

  • Document the scene with photos and videos, including vehicle positions, road conditions, damage, and nearby traffic signals and signs.
  • Exchange information with involved drivers. Get their driver’s license info, names, addresses, insurance information, and phone number.
  • If there are witnesses to the accident, get their information and statements concerning what they saw. If the police are on the scene, they’ll take official statements that can assist with claims processing.

Be Prepared for Road Incidents with Auto Insurance

Should you find yourself part of a multi-car accident – or any auto-related one – having the right insurance in place can give you peace of mind. Before hitting the road, contact Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR, for a policy checkup or to get a quote from our agents.

What Types of Items Are Typically Included and Excluded When It Comes to Pet Insurance?

Pet owners want the best for our furry friends, especially regarding their health. Pet insurance can be a great way to manage unexpected vet bills, but understanding what is typically included and excluded from coverage is crucial. At Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR, we help pet owners make informed decisions about their pet insurance policies. 

What’s Typically Covered?

Pet insurance often covers a wide range of medical expenses that arise from accidents and illnesses. This usually includes things like diagnostic tests, surgeries, hospitalizations, and prescription medications. Most policies also cover chronic conditions such as diabetes or arthritis, as long as they are not pre-existing conditions. Additionally, emergency care and specialist visits are generally part of the coverage.

Routine Care and Wellness Visits

Some pet insurance policies offer optional wellness plans that cover routine care. This can include vaccinations, annual exams, flea and tick prevention, and dental cleanings. It’s important to note that these wellness plans are often add-ons and not included in the standard accident and illness coverage.

Common Exclusions

While pet insurance can provide extensive coverage, there are certain exclusions to be aware of. Pre-existing conditions, such as health issues that your pet had before the start of the policy, are typically not covered. Also, elective procedures are usually excluded. Behavioral treatments and training costs might also fall outside the scope of standard policies.

Understanding the specifics of what is included and excluded in your pet insurance policy can help you avoid surprises. At Oliver Insurance, we’re here to assist pet owners in Canby, OR, select the right pet coverage. Contact us today to discuss your options and ensure your furry friend gets the best possible care.

How State Requirements Determine What is Needed in Motorcycle Insurance

Understanding the specific requirements for motorcycle insurance in your state is crucial. It empowers you to make informed decisions about the coverage you need, ensuring you’re fully protected on the road while living around Canby, OR.

Minimum Liability Coverage

Most states in America require motorcycle owners to have liability insurance, at the very least. Each state sets minimum coverage limits, which can significantly vary. For example, one state might require $25,000 per rider for injuries and $50,000 per potential accident, while another might have higher or lower limits. Ensuring you meet these minimum requirements is crucial to staying compliant with state laws and avoiding fines or legal issues.

Additional Required Coverages

Some states mandate additional types of coverage. For instance, many states require uninsured/underinsured coverage to protect you when accidents occur, and the other party does not have sufficient insurance. This coverage handles payments for hospital bills and other damages when the other vehicle is uninsured or underinsured.

Certain states may also require personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payment coverage. These coverages help pay for medical expenses from an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Ask your insurance agency if they cover lost wages and other costs. Every location has different policies.

Optional Coverages

While state requirements dictate the minimum coverage, riders often purchase additional insurance for better protection. Comprehensive and collision coverage, for example, are not typically required by state law but can provide valuable protection for your motorcycle against theft, vandalism, and damage from accidents.

Oliver Insurance Is There For You

Oliver Insurance is here for you when you need insurance information. Our services are available in Canby, OR, and surrounding areas. Call us today.

Marine Equipment That Will Benefit from Insurance Coverage

Marine Equipment & Boat Insurance

Marine equipment is often exposed to the elements regularly. Ensuring your boat and accessories can prevent financial loss associated with stormy weather. Insurance can also protect your marine equipment from theft and vandalism.

Navigational Devices

You may rely upon the use of navigational aids whenever you operate your boat. Navigational devices are prone to becoming damaged unexpectedly. Your boat insurance policy can include coverage for all the equipment you use when navigating a body of water.


Assess the upholstery on your boat. Delicate fabrics are at risk of becoming damaged when you operate your boat. Expensive materials that would be difficult for you to replace should be added to your boat insurance policy.

Take note of the types of furnishings you own. Then, keep records that indicate the fabric type attached to each furnishing.


Damage to the flooring on your boat could lead to expensive repairs. If you have difficulty replacing damaged flooring materials, you may want to consider insuring the flooring on your boat.

Electrical Equipment

Electrical equipment could be damaged during a storm. It could also be stolen from your boat. Adding electrical equipment to your boat insurance policy could be a wise investment. Keep track of your equipment and write down the model number of each device you want to add to your boat insurance policy.

More Information

Meet with one of our Canby, OR agents to learn about some boat insurance types that will protect the marine equipment you own. Feel free to contact an Oliver Insurance agent to schedule a personal consultation.

Term vs. Whole Life Insurance: What is the Difference?

At Oliver Insurance, we empathize with the choice of selecting a life insurance policy in Canby, OR, given the multitude of options. We understand that you want to ensure your loved ones are financially secure when you pass. The two primary choices for life insurance are term and whole. In the following sections, we’ll delve into the key differences, helping you to make an informed decision that best suits your needs and provides you and your loved ones with the security and peace of mind you deserve.

Term Life Insurance

Term insurance, unlike its counterpart, whole life insurance, doesn’t cover your entire lifespan. Instead, it’s designed to provide financial protection for a specific period, typically 10 to 30 years, depending on the insurance company. Policyholders who pass away will have their beneficiaries receive a payout. However, if the policyholder doesn’t pass away during the span of the term, then the policy expires without any payouts. Term life insurance is often more budget-friendly than a whole policy. 

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance covers a person until their death. Once this happens, their named beneficiaries will receive a payout. The benefit of an entire insurance plan is that it often has more significant premiums but more payouts that compound due to interest. Whole life insurance offers a unique advantage to holders who can access cash in an emergency. This flexibility ensures they are not bound by restrictions as long as they maintain their monthly premiums. 

How to Choose the Right Policy

Choosing the right life insurance policy in Canby, OR, may seem daunting. However, with the guidance of an experienced Oliver insurance agent, you can navigate through the complexities and find the perfect policy that ensures your financial security and that of your loved ones. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for personalized assistance.

Do I Need a Personal Umbrella Policy If My Business Has One?

Umbrella insurance policies are comprehensive, covering a broad spectrum of liability risks. However, they do not cover every possible incident that could occur in Canby, OR. To ensure complete coverage, separate umbrella policies must be purchased for a business, even a home-based one. At Oliver Insurance, we can assist with selecting the right policy for both personal and business use.

Understanding the Difference between Commercial and Personal Umbrella Insurance

The primary distinction between commercial and personal umbrella insurance policies lies in the coverage limits. Commercial umbrella insurance naturally has higher liability limits. These higher limits are necessary because businesses generally face greater levels of risk and often need to provide coverage for a larger number of individuals than a personal policy would.

Personal umbrella insurance policies benefit homeowners, particularly those with a large dog, those who frequently host parties or employ household staff, drive a luxury car, rent out properties, possess features like hot tubs or pools, or are public figures with significant wealth. That said, even if you primarily operate your business from your home, these policies will not cover any business activities conducted within your premises.

What Commercial Umbrella Insurance Covers

Almost every business can benefit from commercial umbrella insurance due to its additional liability protection. Situations where this kind of coverage is beneficial include:

  • If a client falls on your property and sues for injuries and medical expenses,
  • If another company defames your business, leading to loss in a court case,
  • If your employees operate company-owned vehicles.

Commercial umbrella insurance policies are designed to cover the activities and premises of your business, as opposed to the personal actions of your family.

High-profile individuals residing in Canby, OR can benefit from holding both personal and commercial umbrella insurance policies. At Oliver Insurance, we are ready to tailor your umbrella insurance coverage to meet your specific needs. Contact us today to start with a policy that offers the financial stability and peace of mind you need.

Four Key Components of a Commercial Insurance Plan

We offer commercial insurance here at Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR, and we want you to understand the basic components. Read on to learn more.

1. Property Insurance

Property insurance offers coverage for goods owned by a business, including structures, inventory, equipment, and other tangible property. It provides financial compensation for losses caused by perils like vandalism, theft, natural disasters, and fires. This coverage encompasses a range of assets, from real estate to business-related personal property, against loss or physical damage.

2. Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is a vital part of a commercial policy that protects businesses from legal expenses due to property damage or bodily injury to third parties. This safeguards businesses against expensive claims and lawsuits and covers legal defense costs like court expenses, attorney fees, and settlement negotiations.

3. Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance helps mitigate financial expenses due to interruptions in business operations and includes ongoing expenses and lost income. Coverage includes interruptions caused by physical damage to property, equipment breakdowns, storm damage, fires, and other covered perils that result in a halt or slowdown of operations.

4. Specialized Coverage Options

In addition to the standard components of this coverage are liability and business interruption insurance. Commercial policies can be customized to specific industries or your business needs. These may include:

  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance
  • Crime Insurance
  • Cyber Liability Insurance

Get comprehensive coverage to protect your company property and financial assets. This includes protection against a variety of risks that business owners may face. Our agents here at Oliver Insurance in Canby, OR can custom tailor your commercial coverage to meet your needs and mitigate possible financial losses. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or get a quote.

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